NU Library in cooperation with the Association of University Libraries in the Republic of Kazakhstan invites library and information science professionals to Eurasian Academic Libraries [1][2][3] Training (EALT). This is a new training program and an advancement on the previous successful School of Libraries Technologies (SLT). This training is aimed at developing and improving librarians’ knowledge and professional competencies concerning all areas of library work. This new innovative program is tailored to meet the real evolving informational and professional needs of academic librarians across Kazakhstan.
The Nazarbayev University Library, in collaboration with IFLA Management of Library Associations and with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Association of University Libraries in the Republic of Kazakhstan, cordially invites library and information professionals to the 13th Eurasian Academic Libraries Conference.
Our collaboration with the IFLA MLAS group has resulted in the participation of numerous library leaders and professionals from around the globe in the conference. Additionally, the event will feature exceptional keynote speakers who will provide their expertise and insights.
We would be delighted if you could join us at this truly groundbreaking event here in magnificent Astana, Kazakhstan, “The Land of Wonders”.
This year’s EALC central theme is Connect, Collaborate, Create: Advancing Library Associations and Partnerships to Future-proof our Profession.
The Nazarbayev University Library, in collaboration with IFLA Management of Library Associations and with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Association of University Libraries in the Republic of Kazakhstan, cordially invites library and information professionals to the 13th Eurasian Academic Libraries Conference.
Our collaboration with the IFLA MLAS group has resulted in the participation of numerous library leaders and professionals from around the globe in the conference. Additionally, the event will feature exceptional keynote speakers who will provide their expertise and insights.
We would be delighted if you could join us at this truly groundbreaking event here in magnificent Astana, Kazakhstan, “The Land of Wonders”.
This year’s EALC central theme is Connect, Collaborate, Create: Advancing Library Associations and Partnerships to Future-proof our Profession. See the EALC-2024 website for more information about the CALL FOR PAPERS and REGISTRATION:
12th Eurasian Academic Libraries Conference (EALC) 2023 theme “Education 5.0: Challenges and Prospects for Academic Libraries” (Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan, 19-20 October 2023)
The Association of University Libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Nazarbayev University Library invite you to the 12th Eurasian Academic Libraries Conference (EALC) with the theme Education 5.0: Challenges and Prospects for Academic Libraries which will be held at Nazarbayev University (Astana, Kazakhstan) on 19-20 October 2023.
The EALC-2023 is intended to become a platform for the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and experience of academic libraries in support of Education 5.0 as a new stage of the global educational development devoted to a more human perspective to learning, including social and emotional abilities to turn digital transformation into a tool for social transformation and promote lesser environmental impact with greater health and safety. The Conference will feature distinguished researchers and engaging speakers that can provide a venue for scientific discussion, constructive exchange of ideas, and best practices through oral presentations.
We also extend our invitation to potential sponsors as exhibitors. As an exhibitor, you will enjoy exposure and direct marketing opportunities with practitioners and decision-makers in the field. Exhibitors may choose from different sponsorship packages: Gold, Silver, and Bronze. To know more about the sponsorship opportunities, please visit the EALC 2023 website.
This year, the Steering Committee is pleased to offer two (2) attendance grant opportunities for Kazakhstani librarians from regions of Kazakhstan outside Astana. To learn more about this grant opportunity, please visit the EALC website.
The Association of University Libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University invite you to the XI International conference “Modern World Trends in the Development of the University Library. Topic for 2023: The Role of Academic Libraries in Integrating the University into the Global Scientific Space.” The conference will be held on April 27-28, 2023, at the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Astana, Kazakhstan).
The conference is designed to serve a platform for discussing topical issues of the development of academic libraries, exchanging knowledge and advanced experience of enhancing the information-library and scientific-educational environment.
The following issues are suggested for the discussion:
the role of academic libraries in integrating the university into the world scientific space (scientometrics, bibliometrics, open data and scientific publications);
new MNVO RK legal documents;
international standards for academic librarianship;
the role of the library in the development of the digital environment;
innovative models of library development;
continuous library education.
A seminar for the heads of libraries of organizations of higher and postgraduate education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as OVPO) on the explanation of legal documents (qualification requirements for attestation of universities and educational programs, state compulsory education standards, orders, etc.), initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, will be held.
The conference program will be available on the Association of Universities Libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan web-site at: .
The conference working languages are Kazakh, Russian, English.
The Association of University Libraries in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Nazarbayev University Library invite you to the 11th Eurasian Academic Libraries Conference (EALC) with the theme “Open Access to Knowledge and Libraries: Achievements and Trends” which will be held on 27-28 October 2022 at Nazarbayev University (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan).
This year’s conference will highlight the present state of open access to knowledge transfer (Open Science, Open Educational Resources, OA technologies, etc.), the role and tasks of university libraries in promoting open access, and discussions on potential future developments worldwide. The Conference features distinguished researchers and engaging speakers. It will be a venue for scientific discussion, constructive exchange of ideas and the best practices through oral presentations. In addition, a range of special workshops to attract participants on wider issues on Open Access for future-ready libraries and library professionals.
The languages of the conference are English, Kazakh and Russian.
We also extend our invitation to potential sponsors as exhibitors. As an exhibitor, you will enjoy exposure and direct marketing opportunities with practitioners and decision-makers in the field. You may choose from different sponsorship packages: Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze.
Invited Speaker Talks
Open Access is playing a big role in academic and public libraries nowadays. OA repositories, OA journals, OA educational resources, research ethics, information literacy, and OA scientific publishing are some of the most discussed topics at contemporary conferences and workshops. The program committee invites notable speakers in the field highlighting these practices in a changing world.
The conference topics include:
1. Open Access, Open Data, and Open Educational Resources (Open Data Repositories, Open Data Management, and etc.);
2. Research Ethical Issues in Open Science (Research Ethics, Information literacy and E-research support, and etc.);
3. Open Access Scholarly Publishing and Copyright;
4. The Technology Trends of Open Access in Libraries;
5. Libraries’ participation in science popularization among the general public.
At the end of the conference, a general meeting of members of the Association of University Libraries in the Republic of Kazakhstan will be held. We have missed you and are thrilled to see you in person in 2022! Registration is open for the EALC 2022, so be sure to secure your spot at the frontiers of science today.
All conference participants are expected to pay the registration fee after completing the registration form.
For further inquiries, please contact us at:
“Modern world trends in the development of the university library”
Dear colleagues! We invite you to take part in the X International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern World Trends in the Development of the University Library”, May 5 and 6, 2022. Registration for the conference can be found here: [Registration]
Dear Librarian! The Nazarbayev University Library and the Association of University Libraries in the Republic of Kazakhstan invite you to the 10th Eurasian Academic Libraries Conference with the theme “ Contemporary Trends in Information Organization in the Academic Library Environment ” which will be held on 29-30 June 2021 at Nazarbayev University (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan). This year’s conference aims to be a platform to share best practices and experiences from various academic libraries around the world on how they implement principles and standards in organizing information as well as describing some recent developments in the field. Moreover, the conference will serve as a venue to share knowledge on how libraries and librarians deal with data with the utilization of technology as a tool. TO REGISTER
We invite you to take part in the V International Conference “Transformation of University Libraries in the Context of Modernization of Higher Education” online, March 3 and 4, 2021.
Topic: “Higher Education in a New Reality: Challenges for Academic Libraries”.
Full information (registration, link to zoom in the broadcast, program, etc.) about the conference can be found at the link: